Interactive Hiera Demo

Retrieve data from Hiera, based on the values of facts. [help]



  - yaml

  - "nodes/%{clientcert}"
  - "%{datacenter}/%{role}"
  - "%{role}"
  - "%{datacenter}"
  - common

  :datadir: "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/%{environment}/hieradata"

Datasource Files (in /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments):

Look up values from this simulated Hiera instance by entering a key and pressing the lookup button. Hiera uses fact values to resolve the values it looks up as it iterates through the hierarchy. You can change the fact values used in this demo to affect how keys are resolved.

Look inside the datasource files at the bottom of the page to see the values you can retrieve. Try looking up keys of message, dbserver, or puppet_enterprise::profile::master::java_args.

Compare fact values and the datasource paths and try to predict which files will be used to resolve the keys you're looking up.