15th May 2020: IAC Team Status Update

The IAC team has been working on a lot of new things over the past week. We want to share with our community some pretty interesting things. Here’s a brief overview of what we’ve been up to:

COVID-19 who?

We don’t count anymore the days as a fully remote working team, but we count the days when we work hard and with all the energy we have for the best results! #unstoppableteam #workHard #staysafe #thinkpositive

Module Releases

Modules released this week:

PDK was released

Thanks to scotje for his help in getting this release out the door:

Big thanks for this releases to our team members too: Ciaran, David, Paula and Sheena.

Community Contributions

We think that is no doubt about our community contributors, they are always ready to help and they have excellent ideas. Here are some highlights of this week:

Thank you to akerl-unpriv for his contribution to the puppetlabs-firewall module. We now have support for the cgroup flag in iptables. Thanks to crazymind1337 for the great effort cleaning up the puppetlabs-docker repo. It’s fantastic to see the open source community committed to keeping the standard high.

New surprises

We added a docs page, where we will post some of our architecture docs and some “how to” documents that might be helpful in the future.

Paula continues her way back to Puppet goodies

This is what she said when she was working on puppetlabs-apt release: Massive shout out to Danny. I have returned from maternity leave and started working on my first release from I finished up in June 2019 and it is just like magic! The automated generation of the change log, reference documentation and tagging is just brilliant! Has definitely removed one of the biggest pain points when releasing.

Michael is working hard…with baby Theo

Parenting tip #101: When my kids play up in public I like to yell “Wait until I tell your mother!” & pretend they are not mine. Good luck, dear Michael! Enjoy this beautiful time!

How we stay happy in troubling times

Social fridays We all know that friday is a tough day because the weekend is so close. (The legend says that friday is actually the first day of weekend, but let’s keep this secret for us). Social fridays have an incredible success for our team and today we have some special guests. The IAC team have inviting our good friends from CIS to join our social hour this weeks.It will be great catching up with old friends.