2024-02-23: DevX Status Update
Hello again! It’s been another week of code and bugs and I hope you’ve enjoyed it as much as we have!
Visitors in the Office
In local news we had a few visitors to the office, with the companies new CEO Jim Cassens paying a visit to introduce himself alongside the VP of People & Culture Kristin Gaarder and the VP of Product & Development Anjali Arora.
In all regards it was a good visit and I personally am looking forward to hearing more from our new CEO.

ruby-pwsh Bugfix
Some of you may be happy to here that a bugfix to fix enum idempotentcy within ruby-pwsh that has been recieving some attention within the community has gone out this week, hopefully resolving this issue for anyone who was hitting it.
Community Contributions
We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:
: “(maint) add bolt task to smoke test”, thanks to h0tw1r3litmusimage#73
: “add ubuntu 24.04”, thanks to h0tw1r3pdk#1310
: “Allowpdk convert
andpdk update
to work in a ControlRepo context”, thanks to garrettrowellpdk#1294
: “dependabot: check for github actions and bundler”, thanks to bastelfreakpdk-templates#561
: “Replace archived ruby vscode extension”, thanks to jay7xprovision#258
: “fix bolt tasks with docker_exp transport”, thanks to h0tw1r3provision#257
: “Cleanup docker support”, thanks to h0tw1r3rspec-puppet#96
: “dependabot: check for github actions and bundler”, thanks to bastelfreak
New Gem Releases