2024-03-15: DevX Status Update
Happy Friday
If you live anywhere close to Ireland, I hope you are ready for St. Patricks day. I sure am, and I’m happy as well to be getting a wee extended weekend. Don’t be surprised if we are not answering the phone on Monday. We likely are not physically able to do so. Anyways, let’s get to this weeks updates.
I have 99 bugs. Grab one, patch it out. Now I only have 123 bugs. You probably already know how the song goes for those working in software development. Nevertheless, we still have to fix them little problems. This week we have completed fixing some unintended behaviour related to PDK-Templates, where the design was being a bit cheeky and slacking on its duties to allow Rubocop rules to be overriden via .sync.yml. It is all good now..
Team building hike
Last wednesday, our entire DevX team went out on a team building exercise to the local hill for a wee hike. Now, the weather wasn’t our best friend and the pathway could have done with a few more security precautions (mostly to protect people from uncontrollably rolling down an entire mountain) but we still had plenty of fun. Dropping a wee picture of the event.

Community Contributions
We’d like to thank the following people in the Puppet Community for their contributions over this past week:
: “puppet-syntax: Validate Hiera keys”, thanks to bastelfreakpuppetlabs_spec_helper#441
: “puppet-syntax: Validate hiera keys”, thanks to bastelfreakruby-pwsh#292
: “Fix empty string nullification”, thanks to Clebam
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