2024-07-19: DevX Status Update

Another summer Friday

As we embrace another summer Friday, it’s hard not to feel a bit lonelier. With holidays in full swing and many of our team members taking well-deserved breaks to travel and recharge, it’s natural to see less work floating around. Well, at least we can always count on Northern Ireland to maintain a lukewarm temperature throughout summer. While I can’t say I’m a fan of european heat waves, I do sometimes miss knowing what it feels like to see the sun in the sky, and not just an infinite stream of clouds. Anyways, enough diverging…

Movement on PDK. Dropping Fedora 36, adding Fedora 40.

We have been making some progress on our PDK work recently. On one side, we’re working on broadening PDK’s horizons by expanding its compatibility to include additional architectures, notably RedHat AARCH. This enhancement will ensure our tools are more accessible and usable across a wider range of devices and platforms. On the other, we are working on updating our current lists of supported platforms. This week, we finished preparation for the removal of Fedora 36 from our PDK tool, whilst also replacing that newly empty vacuum with support preparations for Fedora 40. You can expect both of these changes to come into effect in the next PDK release.

General maintenance and cleanup

Aside from that, we are still doing general maintenance all around the block, while also training our new heads to ensure they are ready for the ins and outs of their soon-to-be-everyday work.