Sharing Templates

Learn how to share PCT templates.

After you’ve written your own template you may wish to share it with other members of your team or the wider Puppet community. Work is underway to improve this initial functionality.

pct build

This command will attempt to package the current working directory. You can change the directory to pack by providing --sourcedir.

pct build [--sourcedir <dir>][--targetdir <dir>]

The build command will ensure that the directory that you are attempting to package will produce a valid Puppet Content Template by looking for a pct-config.yml and a content directory.

The resulting tar.gz package will be created by default in $cwd/pkg. You can change the directory the package is created in by providing --targetdir.

Installing template packages

Packages created using the build command can be installed by extracting the tar.gz into the Default Template Location.

Local archive

Packages created using the build command can also be installed with the pct install command.

For example, this command:

pct install ~/my-template-1.2.3.tar.gz

Will install the template contained in my-template-1.2.3.tar.gz to the default template location.

Remote archive

Packages created using the build command can be automatically downloaded and extracted with pct install so long as you know the URL to where the archive is.

For example, this command:

pct install

Will attempt to download the PCT template from the specified url and then afterward install it like any other locally available PCT template archive.

Remote Git Repository

Git must be installed for this feature to work. The git repository must contain only one template and must be structured with the pct-config.yml file and the content directory in the root directory of the repository.

For more information on template structures see the Writing Templates section in the README.

For example, this command:

pct install --git-uri

This will attempt to clone the PCT template from the git repository at the specified URI and install to the default template location.