Installing Tools

Guidance for installing tools to PRM.

This document explains how you can install tools to execute with PRM.

By default, tools are installed to the tools folder alongside PRM unless the toolpath flag is specified with an alternate location.

Local archive

Tool packages can be installed locally using the prm install command.

For example:

prm install ~/my-tool-1.2.3.tar.gz

That command will install the tool contained in my-tool-1.2.3.tar.gz to the default location.

Remote archive

Tool packages stored remotely can be automatically downloaded and extracted with prm install so long as you know the URL to where the archive is.

For example:

prm install

This command will attempt to download the PRM tool from the specified url and then install it like any other locally available PRM tool archive.

Remote git repository

Git must be installed for this feature to work. The git repository must contain only one tool and must be structured with the prm-config.yml file and the content directory in the root directory of the repository.

For example:

prm install --git-uri

This command will attempt to clone the PRM tool from the git repository at the specified URI and then install it to the default tool location.

Force tool installation

Adding the -f or the --force flag to the prm install command will forcefully install/overwrite a tool if there is a tool installed with the same author, name and version.

Updating tools

While there is no update command, newer versions of tools can be installed like any other tool package.

Currently, only the latest version of a selected tool is executable; the ability to select an older version of the tool to execute will be added in the future.

List installed tools

Installed tools can be listed by running the command prm exec --list, displayed in the following format:

prm tool list screenshot

The --toolpath flag can also be added to list tools installed in an alternate location.