Coverage Reports

Last updated: 06 September 2024

Basic Report

rspec-puppet can generate a basic resource coverage report at the end of the test run by the following to your spec/spec_helper.rb file.

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.after(:suite) do!

This checks which Puppet resources have been explicitly checked as part of the test run and outputs both a coverage percentage and a list of untouched resources.

If you are using parallel_tests to speed up your rspec-puppet and want to generate coverage reports, you must configure it in an after(:suite) hook in spec/spec_helper.rb as documented above and not with any other method (like an at_exit hook in a spec file).

Setting A Minimum Coverage Level

A desired code coverage percentage can be provided as an argument to!.

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.after(:suite) do!(95)

If this percentage is not achieved, a test failure will be raised.

Excluded Resources

Resources declared outside of the module being tested (i.e. resources added by module dependencies) are automatically excluded from the coverage report.

To exclude other resources from the coverage reports, for example to avoid anchors, use the add_filter(type, title) and add_filter_regex(type, regex) methods:

RSpec.configure do |c|
  c.before(:suite) do
    # Exclude File[/tmp] from all coverage reports
    RSpec::Puppet::Coverage.add_filter('File', '/tmp')
    # Exclude all anchor resources from all coverage reports
    RSpec::Puppet::Coverage.add_filter_regex('Anchor', '.*')
Note that currently filters are global and do not get reset in between examples. To avoid accidents you should only configure global excludes and only in the `before(:suite)` hook.