Modules PRs that require review

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puppetlabs-apache 2160 246 sircubbi Improve/silence warning from pull-request #2154 Any updates on this? Filling the puppet server log with these warnings, while the underlying "space in name" and deprecation problem is not present in the configured resources, seems a bit much. As i get from the discussion between @ekohl and @sircubbi there seems to be no "nice" way to fix this, is there? Can i help with anything there (would need some time to get into the code)? zilchms 44 4 true false
puppetlabs-java 502 82 dploeger (MODULES-11234) Support Adoptium Temurin Can this perhaps be merged now? dploeger 51 3 true false
puppetlabs-kubernetes 544 48 daianamezdrea Update init.pp [kubernetes]( is a _class_ ---------------------------------- that may have no external impact to Forge modules. #### This module is declared in 0 of 578 indexed public `Puppetfiles`. --------------------------------- These results were generated with [Rangefinder](, a tool that helps predict the downstream impact of breaking changes to elements used in Puppet modules. You can run this on the command line to get a full report. Exact matches are those that we can positively identify via namespace and the declaring modules' metadata. Non-namespaced items, such as Puppet 3.x functions, will always be reported as near matches only. puppet-community-rangefinder[bot] 48 1 true false
puppetlabs-kubernetes 525 229 danifr vox Make sure kubelet gets restarted after package version change Hi @daianamezdrea happy new year! is there something I can do to have this merged? danifr 51 11 true false
puppetlabs-mysql 1449 57 treydock Use MariaDB for Ubuntu 20.04 +1 tested that this is working ghoneycutt 56 2 true false
puppetlabs-mysql 1446 119 Heidistein Allow for a puppet-specific configfile Adding another method and more conditionals is more complexity than needed. I'd much prefer to simply extend the original method to return the most specific options file that exists. Something like ``` ruby def self.defaults_file options = [ "#{Facter.value(:root_home)}/.my.puppet.cnf", "#{Facter.value(:root_home)}/.my.cnf", ] found = options.find {|path| File.file? path} "--defaults-extra-file=#{found}" if found end ``` I kind of hate doing this, but I do see the utility. (I think.) The best I can tell, it's not that Plesk disallows `/root/my.cnf` but that for whatever reason, its installer fails if `/root/my.cnf` provides authentication options. There is precedent for similar config files, eg `/etc/mysql/debian.cnf`. binford2k 57 3 false false
puppetlabs-postgresql 1319 43 fraenki (MODULES-11251) Add support for backup provider "pg_dump" I've added some tests with the latest commit. fraenki 42 5 true false