Tools PRs that require review

30 Days 60 Days 90 Days All
tool pr age owner title last_comment by age_comment num_comments no_comment_from_puppet last_comment_mentions_puppet
Github Action for Module unit testing 93 260 dependabot-preview[bot] Bump @actions/core from 1.2.7 to 1.4.0
0 0 true false
Github Action for Module unit testing 99 205 dependabot-preview[bot] Bump eslint from 7.24.0 to 7.32.0
0 0 true false
Github Action for Module unit testing 92 260 dependabot-preview[bot] Bump @actions/exec from 1.0.4 to 1.1.0
0 0 true false
Github Action for Module unit testing 94 260 dependabot-preview[bot] Bump @actions/io from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
0 0 true false
Github Action for Module unit testing 85 300 dependabot-preview[bot] Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot
As a reminder, [Dependabot Preview will be shut down on August 3rd, 2021][announcement]. You can merge this pull request to migrate to GitHub-native Dependabot. You can [read the docs][docs] to learn more about what's changing, as well as find out how to get support if you need help migrating. [announcement]: [docs]:
dependabot-preview[bot] 243 1 true false
Github Action for Module unit testing 98 219 dependabot-preview[bot] Bump @vercel/ncc from 0.28.3 to 0.29.0
0 0 true false
Community reports 85 64 binford2k iac puppet vox (maint) restore ability to deep link to pages
0 0 true false
dropsonde 10 232 adrianiurca Integration tests
0 0 true false
dropsonde 23 12 binford2k iac puppet vox Adding changelog generation to Rakefile
0 0 true false
dropsonde 3 601 raphink vox Allow to configure PuppetDB connection with environment variables
[![CLA assistant check](]( All committers have signed the CLA.
CLAassistant 29 4 false false
facterdb 237 5 logicminds WIP: Add vagrantfile support for popos 21.10
After reviewing this and based on prior experience with other Ubuntu derivatives the codename of the OS `impish` is causing the script to fail because puppet repositories only support the main ubuntu codenames. Since each derivative has their own codename the agent package cannot be found which causes everything else to fail. Additionally, impish is too new for puppet support. Additionally, it appears the image has some initial apt-get lock problem that needs to be fixed in the upstream image. When we manually install this we just grab the 21.10 package and install it. I am guessing the puppet install script tries to piece together os information given the lsb data.
logicminds 5 1 true false
facterdb 229 26 jhoblitt vox You have twenty seconds to comply.
jhoblitt 25 1 false false
facterdb 234 12 bastelfreak vox Add CentOS Stream8/9 boxes
0 0 true false
IAC Blog 326 51 dependabot[bot] Bump jekyll-feed from 0.15.1 to 0.16.0
0 0 true false
IAC Blog 317 140 chaen contributing: doc to run a single test
Also, something that may be interesting in the doc for totally ignorant people (like me :-) ) is how I can run the tests for a specific version of puppet/ruby. As you can see, I have failures only for one version of that couple, but I am struggling in reproducing: I think ultimately what would be nice is a couple of commands, starting with `docker run`, which would put people in the correct environment they need to run `pdk bundle exec rake spec`. I tried reproducing what's in the workflow file ( If I try to set the env variable `PUPPET_GEM_VERSION`, `pdk` complains ```bash root@943f4a62533a:/tmp/puppetlabs-stdlib# PUPPET_GEM_VERSION=6.0 pdk bundle exec rake spec SPEC=spec/functions/loadjson_spec.rb pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.7.3 pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 7.12.0 pdk (WARN): PUPPET_GEM_VERSION is not supported by PDK. Use the --puppet-version option on your PDK command or set the PDK_PUPPET_VERSION environment variable instead ``` If I try with `PDK_PUPPET_VERSION`, I have another issue ``` root@943f4a62533a:/tmp/puppetlabs-stdlib# PDK_PUPPET_VERSION=6.0 pdk bundle exec rake spec SPEC=spec/functions/loadjson_spec.rb pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.9 pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.0.10 pdk (WARN): FACTER_GEM_VERSION is not supported by PDK. Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "puppet": In Gemfile: puppet (= 6.0.10) puppet-module-posix-system-r2.5 (~> 1.0) was resolved to 1.1.1, which depends on puppet_litmus (~> 0.20) was resolved to 0.30.0, which depends on bolt (>= 2.0.1, = 6.18.0) ```
chaen 93 2 true false
Litmus Docs 26 51 dependabot[bot] Bump jekyll-feed from 0.15.1 to 0.16.0
0 0 true false
metadata-json-lint 120 155 timidri puppet Add test for invalid task metadata
This looks like a valid reproducer. Now all we need is someone to write a patch to make the tests pass.
ekohl 113 6 false false
PDK Templates 462 15 skoef Update deprecated setting in
[![CLA assistant check](]( All committers have signed the CLA.
CLAassistant 6 1 true false
PDK Templates 463 2 bastelfreak vox Use voxpupuli-puppet-lint-plugins
0 0 true false
PDK Templates 465 2 bastelfreak vox Enable puppet coverage reports
0 0 true false
PDK Templates 464 2 bastelfreak vox puppet-lint: fail on warnings
0 0 true false
PDK Templates 460 27 bastelfreak vox disable legacy facts
0 0 true false
PDK Packaging 296 6 jackie-kinsler puppet (RE-13380) Set Apple notarization to false.
0 0 true false
PuppetDscBuilder 202 131 michaeltlombardi iac puppet (WIP) Add workflow to repuppetize modules
0 0 true false
PuppetDscBuilder 198 188 michaeltlombardi iac puppet (MAINT) Add basic use examples
[![CLA assistant check](]( All committers have signed the CLA.
CLAassistant 174 1 true false
puppet-lint 29 123 JonathonAnderson support arbitary mountpoints for puppet url's
Moving the files after your change to new filenames and then restoring the original files unchanged would go a long way.
binford2k 119 7 false false
puppet-lint 31 69 bastelfreak vox Drop support for Ruby 2.3 and older
@ekohl fixed it
bastelfreak 15 2 true false
Puppet::Syntax 127 480 wershlak support multiple encoded blocks
I still think is a comment that hasn't been answered.
ekohl 302 1 false false
Puppet Labs Spec Helper 348 7 binford2k iac puppet vox Drop outdated future parser support
It would be a breaking change, except that we already accidentally broke when [`puppet-syntax` released 3.0](
binford2k 7 2 false false
rspec-puppet-facts 124 470 ekohl vox Performance improvements
@sanfrancrisko at this point I'm uncertain what is expected. I'd like some guidance from the maintainers what the behavior should be. That means either changing the tests (as I suggested) or changing the code to pass the tests. Until I get that feedback I'm blocked.
ekohl 450 9 false false