Tools PRs that require review

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Github Action for Module unit testing 85 300 dependabot-preview[bot] Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot
As a reminder, [Dependabot Preview will be shut down on August 3rd, 2021][announcement]. You can merge this pull request to migrate to GitHub-native Dependabot. You can [read the docs][docs] to learn more about what's changing, as well as find out how to get support if you need help migrating. [announcement]: [docs]:
dependabot-preview[bot] 243 1 true false
IAC Blog 317 140 chaen contributing: doc to run a single test
Also, something that may be interesting in the doc for totally ignorant people (like me :-) ) is how I can run the tests for a specific version of puppet/ruby. As you can see, I have failures only for one version of that couple, but I am struggling in reproducing: I think ultimately what would be nice is a couple of commands, starting with `docker run`, which would put people in the correct environment they need to run `pdk bundle exec rake spec`. I tried reproducing what's in the workflow file ( If I try to set the env variable `PUPPET_GEM_VERSION`, `pdk` complains ```bash root@943f4a62533a:/tmp/puppetlabs-stdlib# PUPPET_GEM_VERSION=6.0 pdk bundle exec rake spec SPEC=spec/functions/loadjson_spec.rb pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.7.3 pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 7.12.0 pdk (WARN): PUPPET_GEM_VERSION is not supported by PDK. Use the --puppet-version option on your PDK command or set the PDK_PUPPET_VERSION environment variable instead ``` If I try with `PDK_PUPPET_VERSION`, I have another issue ``` root@943f4a62533a:/tmp/puppetlabs-stdlib# PDK_PUPPET_VERSION=6.0 pdk bundle exec rake spec SPEC=spec/functions/loadjson_spec.rb pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.5.9 pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 6.0.10 pdk (WARN): FACTER_GEM_VERSION is not supported by PDK. Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "puppet": In Gemfile: puppet (= 6.0.10) puppet-module-posix-system-r2.5 (~> 1.0) was resolved to 1.1.1, which depends on puppet_litmus (~> 0.20) was resolved to 0.30.0, which depends on bolt (>= 2.0.1, = 6.18.0) ```
chaen 93 2 true false
metadata-json-lint 120 155 timidri puppet Add test for invalid task metadata
This looks like a valid reproducer. Now all we need is someone to write a patch to make the tests pass.
ekohl 113 6 false false
PuppetDscBuilder 198 188 michaeltlombardi iac puppet (MAINT) Add basic use examples
[![CLA assistant check](]( All committers have signed the CLA.
CLAassistant 174 1 true false
puppet-lint 29 123 JonathonAnderson support arbitary mountpoints for puppet url's
Moving the files after your change to new filenames and then restoring the original files unchanged would go a long way.
binford2k 119 7 false false
Puppet::Syntax 127 480 wershlak support multiple encoded blocks
I still think is a comment that hasn't been answered.
ekohl 302 1 false false
rspec-puppet-facts 124 470 ekohl vox Performance improvements
@sanfrancrisko at this point I'm uncertain what is expected. I'd like some guidance from the maintainers what the behavior should be. That means either changing the tests (as I suggested) or changing the code to pass the tests. Until I get that feedback I'm blocked.
ekohl 450 9 false false