View on GitHub


Don't just present; interact with your audience!

Serving from a git repository

If you are lucky enough to be storing your presentations in one or more git repositories, then you’ll be happy to know that Showoff talks git natively. Simply pass the proper parameters and Showoff will clone and serve your presentation without any fuss. It knows how to check out branches and will even pull updates when you reload the content.

$ showoff serve --git_url --git_branch dev


Your ShowOff presentation is now starting up.

To view it plainly, visit [ http://localhost:9090 ]

To run it from presenter view, go to: [ http://localhost:9090/presenter ]


Cloning into '/var/folders/km/cz24f0_j1bs4sh93q82sftp00000gq/T/d20160817-25603-hzav93'...
remote: Counting objects: 4178, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3630/3630), done.
remote: Total 4178 (delta 669), reused 2422 (delta 247), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (4178/4178), 72.40 MiB | 3.78 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (669/669), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
== Sinatra (v1.4.7) has taken the stage on 9090 for development with backup from Thin
Thin web server (v1.7.0 codename Dunder Mifflin)
Maximum connections set to 1024
Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
 Open sockets: 1

Showoff only knows git, but it can clone from any URL that the git command-line tool can use. This means that it doesn’t matter whether your presentation is stored on GitHub, an internal GitLab server, or Atlassian Stash. As long as git can talk to it, Showoff can too.

See the options listed by running showoff serve --help. You can pass in the address of any git server, a branch to check out, and a path within the repository where your presentation is stored. Note that if your repository requires authentication, you’ll need to set up keys or HTTP auth with the git command line tool to avoid password prompts.

Online Editing

If you configure the showoff.json stored in your repository with an edit key as detailed in the Integrations section, then you can serve from a repository and edit directly in the repository using the online editor and never have to deal with managing a repository clone.

Simply press the r key after saving changes in the repository. Showoff will pull down any new commits and then serve them up in your presentation view.