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Validating code blocks on slides

Showoff can validate the consistency of a presentation for you. It will make sure that all files you’ve listed in your showoff.json exist and that all code blocks contain valid code. If individual files aren’t listed, or no showoff.json file exists, then Showoff will iterate files using shell globbing patterns.

$ showoff validate
Found 2 errors.
 * Invalid puppet code on Node_Encrypt/ [1]
 * Invalid shell code on Hiera_eYaml/ [5]

Showoff has built-in validators for many languages, including Perl, Puppet, Python, Ruby, and Shell. For example, it will validate Ruby code with ruby -c, and validate Puppet code with puppet parser validate. It’s also quite easy to add your own validation commands.

A validator is just a command that accepts a file path containing code. For example, you would use ruby -c $filename to validate Ruby code in the file $filename. Configuring custom validators is done in your showoff.json:

"validators": {
    "clojure": "java -jar clojure-syntax-check.jar",
    "java": "javac"

If you have a validation command that doesn’t fit that pattern, you can wrap it in a shell script. For example, there doesn’t exist a tool to directly validate a Ruby ERB template, but something like erb -P -x -T '-' example.erb | ruby -c will do the job. Because the filename is in the middle of that command pipeline, we cannot use it as a Showoff validator directly. Instead, we can wrap it in a shell script like so:

#! /bin/sh
erb -P -x -T '-' $1 | ruby -c

And then tell Showoff about it:

"validators": {
    "erb": "/usr/local/bin/erb_validator"